Elyse asked if I could give some examples of the kinds of questions that might be set in a SAC on Ransom. Here are SIX sample questions.
1. "Priam's journey to Achilles' camp provides a ransom for himself as well as for Hector."
Explain how Priam is changed by his experiences and why this occurs.
2. "I came also as a hero of the deed that till now was never attempted."
Discuss the significance of 'chance' in Ransom.
3. How is narrative point of view used in the novel to give the reader a range of perspectives on the idea of the hero?
4. "We're children of nature, my lord. Of earth, as well as of the gods."
Is Somax's view of humanity and nature important in Ransom?
5. In Ransom Malouf shows that universal experiences of fatherhood and humanity unite even bitter enemies. Discuss.
6. In the final pages of Ransom, Malouf writes of Somax: ‘This old fellow, like other story tellers, is a stealer of other men’s tales, of other men’s lives.’
Discuss this idea in relation to Ransom.
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