In The Iliad Homer describes Archilles' behaviour after he has killed Hector in one-on-one battle: he ties a rope around Hector's feet and then drags his dead body through the dirt, around and around the city of Troy. It is an act of desecration. Hecuba, Priam's wife and Hector's mother, describes Achilles as a jackal; she, like the other citizens of Troy, are appalled by Achilles' barbarous act.
In Ransom, Malouf also recreates the scene. The scene is pivotal to the plot of the novel; it is what prompts Priam to undertake something no man had undertaken before.
Today's newspapers and current affairs programs are full of commentary on a recent atrocity in Afghanistan involving US troops. Here is an examples:
US marines video sparks criminal investigation
Lisa Millar reported this story on Friday, January 13, 2012
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A video allegedly showing US marine soldiers urinating on dead Taliban fighters has sparked a criminal investigation. It's been condemned by US officials who are concerned it could lead to a backlash in Afghanistan against its troops.
EMILY BOURKE: A criminal investigation has been launched into a video apparently showing American marines urinating on dead Taliban fighters. US officials including Hillary Clinton have condemned it as disgusting, deplorable and against American values. The US is concerned it could spark a backlash in Afghanistan against its troops and damage early attempts at brokering talks between the Taliban and other warring parties. North America correspondent Lisa Millar reports.
LISA MILLAR: The footage is brief, its ramifications unknown. The camera moves into place while four men in marine uniforms stand urinating on three dead bodies.(Sounds from video)Whoever who posted it on the internet included details of the sniper team and its battalion.The military is checking its authenticity but the reaction from senior officials like Hillary Clinton appears to confirm there's little doubt.
HILLARY CLINTON: Condemning the deplorable behaviour that is reflected in this video. It is absolutely inconsistent with American values, with the standards of behaviour that we expect from our military personnel and that the vast, vast majority of our military personnel particularly our marines hold themselves to.
LISA MILLAR: Several investigations are already underway.
HILLARY CLINTON: Anyone, anyone found to have participated or known about it, having engaged in such conduct, must be held fully accountable.
LISA MILLAR: From Afghanistan there was reaction on behalf of the international forces from General Adrian Bradshaw.
ADRIAN BRADSHAW: These actions do not represent the values of the vast majority of coalition forces who serve their nations honourably. Such behaviour betrays the core values of every service member here representing 50 nations of this coalition.
LISA MILLAR: While it raises questions about training and supervision the video could also impact on early attempts for reconciliation with the Taliban.While that policy has its critics the White House spokesman Jay Carney says there has to be a political solution in Afghanistan at some point.
JAY CARNEY: But it is, it is, coexists with our military campaign. It is in fact our military campaign that has set the conditions for initial reconciliation discussions that we hope will begin taking place.
LISA MILLAR: The Taliban is quoted as saying the video won't impact on planned peace talks because they were at such an early stage. The US says those talks needs to be driven by the Afghan government.
ILLARY CLINTON: I think all of us are entering into it with a very realistic sense of what is possible. And that includes of course president Karzai and his government which after all bear the ultimate responsibility and the consequences of any such discussions.
LISA MILLAR: A senior US diplomat is due in the region this weekend for more talks with Hamid Karzai. This video is unlikely to help any of those discussions. This is Lisa Millar in Washington for AM.
Video shows US marines urinating on dead bodies in Afghanistan - PM 12.01.12
NATO stops Afghan prisoner transfers over torture, ABC News, 07.09.2011
On patrol in Helmand province, 7.30, 06.06.2011
Waterboarding helped find bin Laden: CIA chief, ABC News, 04.05.2011
US to deploy extra 1,400 marines to Afghanistan, ABC News, 07.01.2011
New Abu Ghraib photographs send shockwaves through Arab world, PM, 16.02.2006
Two prisoners dead in custody in Afghanistan: Pentagon, The World Today, 15.12.2004
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